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Private Policy Public Plethora

Private Policy. #NYFW Runway Show. Fall/Winter 2024-25. Saturday February 10, 2024. Ideal Glass Studios. Custom Soundtrack by: @lstnght.collective x @imjesshu

Photo by Ezequiel Da Silva on

Today’s setting: Acrylic paint splattered on my floor and all over my hands & clothes as I continue to paint a colorful abstract intricate hidden meaning in many places painting, that I have worked on for 5+ Months. Layer 22 and 23 were applied today, as I listen to Loud hard pounding Techno direct from some club in Berlin. While watching Lady Gaga sip decadent Italian expresso as she upsets and uproots the House of Gucci, on the TV with the sound turned to zero.

Since I work on Sunday, I Attempt to douse 2 days of a weekend into one Saturday with an overload of sensory additives. So I added in one more audio/visual stimuli into the mix with the Private Policy Fall/Winter NYFW Runway Show. Inside of this video below, a swirling staircase of even more daedalian labyrinthine multitudes of obvious & hidden meanings.

The show is highlighted with a curious duplexity of ideas, curated by a creative custom soundtrack and a futuristic fluorescent green entrance into a runway of crumbled hay in a cowboy-girl barn.

Women and Men strut the catwalk with super slicked back glossy hair almost as plastique as some of the Futue-Past Jetson’s suits in a multitude of colors. The menswear stand-outs include the future forward cowboyesque Cris-Crossed beige flannel shirt, the jackets with more pockets than one can count and the dark distressed denim jacket.

For the women we have a polymorphic plethora of delicious offerings including: The brightly shimmering astro-space silver dress and the form fitting shortskirt, the grey militaristic jacket with the ultra skimpy matching mini skirt, and the flowing oh so effortlessly black satin dress.

See what else you can find within this journey into future-past-future dreams of Private Policy. Let us know in the comments section below the blog post.

Pictures of authors latest Paintings:

Instagram and #NYFW 2014

Social Media Blows Up #NYFW 2014

At a time when I probably should be writing about the Olympics, I’m still too fascinated with NYFW. This video totally exemplifies why. It shows how fast things are getting to us and how easy it is to access things we could never see before until the magazine came out with the look.

Just think, a couple blogs ago, I took pictures of an entire fashion show while watching it live on my iPhone. Incredible! Between YouTube, Instagram, and emails directly from the designers, it’s so fun and easy to see the looks of Fall/Winter 2014-15.  I wonder what those $200 magazines in NYC think of all of this, YIKES!

I also ponder how the Big Designers will stay in business, If they show us ALL what they have 6-9 months ahead of time, that seems to be a lot of time for knock-offs to be created and sold.  The publicity the designers are all receiving must be 100x what it was 3 years ago, just wondering if it’s good or bad for them.  Seems it gives the Fast Fashion stores a giant head start on what will be hot. But, you know the fashion shows have become such a spectacle, I suspect many of the designers have some other clothes and kicks that they will come out with when the time comes around. Either way, interesting to wonder about?  eh?

And I didn’t even mention 3-D printing.  That will be one of the biggest game changers since Social Media.  As it progresses and becomes easier to produce, we will all eventually be able to make whatever we want whenever we want.

Racked did this video and it features the Paper’s Mickey Boardman,Mobile Media’s co-Founder Brian DiFeo, and Designers  Tommy Hilfiger and Kenneth Cole.

BTW:  When I was in NYC in December 2013, I asked the owner of “Around the World Magazines” how business was going. He said a bit slow in December but when the kids come back to school in January it will pick up.  Then I asked, how long he thought magazines would be around.  He said something like: We still sell them and they still do pretty well, some of the Digital versions are getting better, but not quite there yet.  Then he said…I think I’ll keep the store open for another 2-3 years, then retire. I hope that’s realistic because I really like his store, I would hope he’d stay open 5-10 more years. But the way things are changing so fast…What do you think?

M.M.N.A-New York Fashion Week 2013

Mark McNairy “New Amsterdam” Men’s NY Fashion Week Presentation


I needed a bit of a break after all the Jordan fun and I had my first real cold in at least 12 years. I dont ever get sick, I say to myself all the time “I’m 100% Healthy”. And I never get sick, but I got it and even missed a day of work! ugh.

Back with a little vid of Mark McNairy’s debut of their New Amsterdam Men’s collection from New York Fashion Week 2013. I like the two-tone shorts, The various camo,wools and tweeds. But my eyes were very fixated on the shoes and brogues. We’ve written about his shoes before and I still like them the best. Check out the nice blue soles on the pair at the end of the show.

The Ski Mask’s would go well with that new TV commercial about the convenience store and the convertible car they drive in the Snowy Weather.

What do you think of the collection? Or What Collection have you seen lately that’s nice? 

Coming Soon:
