Category Archives: Go to Guides

Don’t be a Haighter on this Street

On the Streetz of San Francisco. Haight-Ashbury. Saturday September 3, 2023. San Francisco, CA

The Haight-Ashbury streetz are filled with colorful people, sweet smells, many, many, did I say many? Vintage stores. And a Peaceful, Happy Vibe which gives us a proof positive purely groovy sensation that the the Summer of Love lives lively in 2023

For the last 25 years, when I ask about this area of town, people I know have told things like:

Ahh, Haight-Ashbury isn’t what it was like in the 60’s and 70’s. Yuck, you need to be careful down there, it’s filled with druggies and pickpockets. Or, Watch out, the only thing left of the good old days is Amobea Records, go there, get some tunes, a pen or a sticker and get out. Even a couple weeks before I made my first ever trip to San Fran, I heard: Everything in San Francisco is so bad right now, houses cost a fortune and there’s no one Fun here anymore, all the artists moved away and all I see are drug addicts and clone like techies who know how to stare at their phone but can barely order a Latte utilizing their verbal skills

Enough of the Haters, let’s get back to the Peace, Love and Happiness that myself, my sister and granddaughter all enjoyed on this special Saturday in early September 2023. Prior to the trip, my daughter had all the days planned out, I decided I would slide along with the flow and go and see everything on the plan. I stayed pretty close to doing all the planned itineraries, except for day 2 when they went to some museum, I was just exhausted, needed a bit of sleep, then I headed Down Ventura to Shop. That will be a different post. This is about the “unplanned” Saturday, when she and her boyfriend had not so secret Tattoo plans. LJBOL

My daughter said, me and Debi could take my granddaughter and do whatever. So that’s what we did. My sister took me to an unreal magazine store-Heath Newstand, Saturday wanderers, nice workers including Leandra. And magazines not seen anywhere else. Lots of Art, Fashion, Avant- Garde even random pickle ball and cooking magazines. I nabbed a few good titles including Printing Fashion #3, OFFICE duo issue, TMRW, a Magazine Curated By Francesco Risso and my favorite-032c. And guess what they even do shipping! I didn’t have to drag around 10 pounds of magazines. Oh and check the sale section at the front, some $40+ mags and books are just $5-$10. I lose time in stores like this so I have no idea how long I was there, but I noticed coffee and pastries were ready for a picnic outside the store, so I headed out for the tasty treats from Tartine.

I didn’t go into Tartine, but did see the line to get it, very loooong. I thought the coffee was super good, my ham and cheese croissant was tasty but someone put hot peppers or Jalapenos in it, so I just ate around most of those. Not a spicy guy in general. And I had a celeb sighting: Guy Fieri from Diners, Drive-Ines and Dives pulled up in a giant air-conditioned van like limo car. I was coming out of Heath magazines as he was going in a special VIP entrance to Tartine with his dog! Oh yeah, everyone who lives in San Fran has a dog

Okay, sorry my brain is filled with non stop words tonight. I’ll make it quicker, but before the H-A area of town. After the first mag store, I was lucky to be dropped my off at the second Mag store, see there are no more magazine stores in Hawaii, even the airport has like 6 titles now. And I like magazines. Many an INSPO has come from a S.F magazine store magazine. I just bought 2 mags at the second place-Smoke Signals on Polk St. Make sure you say hi to Fahdy, tell him Streetzblog sent you. After the Mag Store, I bought some water and headed to the park, where my granddaughter was making pizzas with sand and flowers, she offered me one and since, Scott Mckenzie sings-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair, I ate a flower. She kinda’ freaked out a bit, Debra rolled her eyes and YAH! time for Haight Street. I can not believe we waited until the last day and I cant believe it took this much time to get there in this blog.


(It’s perfectly ok if you skip ahead to this section, I won’t get sad)

We scored yet another awesome parking spot. 2x on the trip, I asked for the parking Angels to join me and both times, it worked. We got out of the car, walked like maybe a block and we hit the Tie Dye store – Love On Haight Tie Dye Emporium. WOW! My granddaughter picked out her favorite shirt and Debi got my daughter a bag. I took pix and videos and goofed around. And we had our first Jimi Hendrix + Jerry Garcia sightings of the whole trip. There was also a purchase of a flo-orange Kazoo. Maybe..More on that later

Perfect Quote from the Love on Haight website:

PsySonic, Exotic, Iconic Haight-Ashbury Stop #1

Next up we wandered a bit, then took a break at Gus’s Grocery Store. What an exceptionally perfect place for eating, drinking and people watching. When I first set out to do the H-A piece, I thought it would be just pix of interesting folks. It became way more than that and more. I’d recommend getting some sandwiches at Gus’s some drinks, caffeine, water etc. and sitting outside to enjoy the fashion show that fills this street.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what we saw:

I suspect there were all category of folks. One thing is no matter who they were, they ALL dressed for the Haight-Ashbury experience, all in their own way. Which fits perfectly and is alright by me. Be yourself because there is only one you. You don’t ever want to think of what others may think of your clothes. I always say: Wear what makes you feel comfortable, wear what you like, I don’t care if you are 5 or 85, color your hair, wear and look exactly as you feel best when you awake in the morning.

More pix from the Haight-Ashbury Runway:

Heard on the Steetz:

I overheard someone saying: They were looking for the Painted Ladies, thus I looked for ladies who were painted upon. Alas, I didn’t see any. Later I found out a Painted Lady is a colorful Victorian-style house owned by various movie & music stars and the affluent techies.

I am so glad I was able to go to San Francisco and extra happy to have such a fun day with my sister and grand-daughter. Maybe it’s the people you are with that makes the day. Maybe It’s because of the beautiful sunny weather, maybe it was a Saturday during Labor Day weekend. Maybe Haight-Ashbury is back in it’s re-amagined glory days. A sweet and colorful vibey kinda’ way day. For me, it was all of the above, plus the stars aligned magnificently for a fun filled day of Tie Dye, Magazine & Vintage clothing shopping, people watching, picnic eating, picture and video taking and most of all… Pure Joy in the famous Haight-Ashbury neighborhood.

Kazoo-Ya…maybe no go Kazoo-Ya

So remember the Kazoo was bought when we first arrived, It made it to our picnic and blared in my right ear so bad that my ear HURT! So the super fast black bird took it away. Promise was made that another would be purchased after we went a few more blocks down the street, then back to the Tie Dye store for another Kazoo.

I “Procured one and it went to the park with us. There it was even louder and I am pretty sure it got stolen by someone sitting near by. Check out Debra’s face Pre and Post Kazoo. PERFECT!

Before the Kazooo

During the Blaring Kazoo Honking on Haight

The Pau Hana Bag made by me & Stella Aura Clothing as modeled by Debra on the streetz of Haight-Ashbury

Thank You to Debi for being oh so very patient, I’m a rather slow moving object when I’m in my favorite element of people watching, iPhone snapping, sticker giving, and window/real shopping.

And Thank You to Adalyn for being in such great spirits throughout the colorful neighborhood.

I am so glad we sat down to pic-nic. I had my favorite food, Salami butter and bread. Which I haven’t had in years. OMG, I do miss it. And both Debi and I were able to feed and hydrate Adalyn with her favorite food-cooked salmon. And I snuck in an extra Matcha tea for Debi-HeHeHe… (Don’t tell her, but she usually reads the Streetz…blog. I kinda doubt she will get to all of these words). There’s times when blogging is fun and there are times it can be frustrating. Today there were so many words flowing in and through my brain, it was fun just a tad overwhelming! And I find this funny, I know I was on Haight Street, but Ya’ know, I never did see Ashbury nor did I bump into the “only” place to go on the street-Amoeba Records. I bet it was on Ashbury. Hahahaha

Sometimes, haters just be hating, maybe they read some media story or took a wrong turn at night, who knows, the day I was here, the Haight was Pure, Positive, Peace, Love and Happiness from start until stop. When you’re going to San Francisco, Make sure You wear flowers in your hair and look for the Good in people, bring others good vibes, radiate joyously and I sure hope if you visit, you will have a extraordinary day in Haight-Ashbury.

What do you think of Haight-Ashbury? What year did you see it good? Do you have any groovy tips on where to go next time I visit H-A? Will you where flowers in your hair? Let us know below in the comments section. Until, next posting..I’ll See You On The Streetz…blog!

May Peace, Love and Happiness radiate in you and to ALL the people you may meet today and everyday!

Destinations to Visit in San Francisco

  • Heath Newstand: Mission District Building. 2900 18th Street. San Francisco, CA 94110. Call or Text 415 873 9209. Or email: (Leandra)
  • Tartine Bakery: Mission District Building. 600 Guerrero St, San Francisco, CA 94110. Phone: 415 487 2600.
  • Smoke Signals: 2223 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109. Phone: 415 292 6025. (Fahdy)
  • Love on Haight: 1400 Haight St. at Masonic San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 817 1027
  • GUS’S Haight Street Market: 1530 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 255 0643
  • WasteLand: 1660 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 863 3150
  • Held Over: Vintage Store since 1978. 1543 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 864 0818
  • Buffalo Exchange: New & Recycled Clothing. Buy Sell Trade. 1555 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 431 7733
  • Cal Surplus: 1541 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 861 0404

While looking for the Buffalo Exchange website address, I checked out their blog and its really good. Check out the picture below, new trend in Suits-cropped. Interesting thing is while I was in San Fran, I bought an Army jacket at Cal Surplus to crop. Little did I know that suit jackets look great cropped too!

Picture courtesy of the Buffalo Exchange blog

Extra Interesting Things:

  • Today’s a Great day to have a Great day!
  • 26435 spells ANGEL
  • After Debra and I gave Adalyn a bath Ashlyn said: What did you guys do!?! Adalyn smells like a hippie without the B.O. We used the famous Dr. Bronners Castile and Hemp liquid do it all Soap in Lavender and Peppermint flavors.
  • When Nick got called up to help BOB at the Pier Show. Bob told Nick: That’s the hardest I’ve ever seen someone work in skinny jeans. Was extra funny because Nick was called up to be a helper during the Clown Show and all he did was stand there for 30 minutes!
Streetzblog on pants with a LVRNU logo and a pink Honolulu police patch
Streetzblog’s own custom patch on some Stellar Aura pants (circa 2021)

Helpful Tips to a Great Hike at Muir Woods

Muir Woods National Monument. Mill Valley, CA 94941. Located over the Golden Gate Bridge near Sausalito, CA about 1.5 hours North from San Francisco, CA. 554 Acres. Phone: (415) 561-2850 Thursday September 1, 2023.

8 Helpful Tips To A Truly Enjoyable Muir Woods Hike

Note: Tips are Best for Beginner-Intermediate Hiker

  • Eat Prior to the Hike: This is not a get up, drink some coffee & water hike. A proper breakfast is advised prior to the hike and the hill that swerves as you drive to the destination. I personally had some coffee & water got in the car, was driven about 1.5 hours to the Muir Wods. After going over the Golden Gate Bridge; we hit a Sausalito, then a steep hill with extreme swerving roads. I had to roll down the window, receive some fresh air, which didn’t help because I PUKED for the last 10 minutes, stopping just before we hit the park ranger at the fron entrance to the parking lot. YUCK! Although, I did feel much better for the Muir Woods hiking experience. Oh, and there is a pre-hike from the parking lot to the real hike, be prepared!
  • Turn off your Phone: This is a must. Either Turn it off, put on airplane mode or use Focus in Settings on an iPhone and put on do not disturb. This is your time to check out from the daily grind and be at peace with nature. And added bonus: The birds, animals and other hikers will be happy that they don’t hear beeps, dings, blips and rings in the beautiful setting.
  • Wear Layers: This is the most important tip on this list. I wore Comfy Y-3 black pants, a long sleeve Uniqlo “Airism” shirt and a State of Flux hoodie. As I got moving, I noticed my body getting hotter. First off went the hoodie, then the T-Shirt. And by the time I was done, I had taken the hoodie off and the long sleeve Uniqlo shirt and was left just wearing my T-Shirt. I was super glad I was prepared with layers. The T felt extremely nice in the cool brisk woods. And was a great way to cool down at the end when I rested my feet. Hiking is a great way to stay fit and as you go, your body may get hotter from the exercise or the sun may be brighter, you never know. Being prepared is the way to go!
  • Treat your Feet to Comfortable Sneaks: Sneakers/Trainers are perfect for this hike since a majority of it was on wooden trails with some dirt trails. There were many there with heavy pro style hiking boots. I wouldn’t recommend that since the terrain is quite nice, perfectly manicured and solid. Wear some comfy kicks. If rain is 90-100% the day you go, maybe some light hiking boots, but for sure nothing heavy duty is needed.
  • Take Breaks: Sit on some of the nice benches or by a tree in a nature made seat. There is no rush to get to the end. Enjoy yourself and when needed take a break, breathe in the delicious Fern & Clover and relax when your body needs it. I’m usually a Ready, Aim, Shoot photographer. On this hike, I took the time on my breaks to frame the shot, get the best view and had fun taking calming pictures of the lush-glorious-greenery and amazingly large trees.
  • Bring a Card or Cash for the Gift Stores: At the end of the hike there is a big gift shop with a snack bar and a smaller gift shop closer to the parking lot. Both have some very nice Long Sleeve Muir Woods shirts, soft & cuddly stuffed animals, lots of key chains and even some local delicacies.
  • Enjoy the Moment: Similar to what I mentioned in the tip above regarding turning off your phone. Don’t only turn it off, but I would recommend completely checking out from the outside world and enjoy the moment. As of 8/31/23 I had only been on one hike in my life and it was pretty difficult. If you wanted to find an urban person who lives in Hawaii that would be me. The only other hike I went on was the super scary death defying Koko Head Hike on Oahu. this hike was very relaxing, richly scented, and a truly enjoyable hike. When I found myself thinking I was tired or had thoughts of work, I took a moment and did the “Take Breaks” tip. I meditated or did some 4 step breathing to bring myself back to the present moment, then proceeded on the hike. I also prepared my mind ahead of time that I would not complain, condemn or criticize anything or anyone on the 2-4 hours of my life. I did not C, C or C at all. I thought about complaining about the incline, but instead, rested, took a break, breathed and continued on in the Precious Now Moment. And had a Wonderful experience.
  • Reward yourself afterwords: You did it, you just hiked 2-4+ hours, it’s time to give your home or body a nice reward! Buy something in the gift shop, get a snack or I would recommend treating you and your family/friends or yourself to lunch. Pro Tip: Go down the swerving road into town and eat at a place named Fish. You can sit outside, rest your feet, check out the view of the water, birds and boats. Feel the breeze, eat some phenomenal food, replenish your water intake or have a bevy or two. You deserve it.

Muir Woods National Monument Hiking Experience

Post Hike Reward at Fish. Restaurant in Sausalito, CA

Pictures courtesy of the author and family. Taken with iPhone 13 Pro+

NYC Shopping Guide December 2019

The Streetzblog Annual HOT list for NYC Shopping (As of 12.22.19)

As usual, this year was a whirlwind. Stayed up most nights till 4am. Slept till Noon or 2pm. Then headed back out on the town.  Some of the list is similar to past years and some are new for December 2019.  Been listing the HOT list almost every year since 2011. Check some of the older posts to see additional shopping tips, trends and things to do.

Street Heat 2018 

What’s Lit NY 2017

Spring Fashion Trends 2015

Streetz of New York 2012

Streetz of New York 2011

The 2019 Lit List

  1. Barneys: Madison Ave and 60th St. Uptown, NY.   This was part sad and part awesome. If yo get a chance go to either the uptown or the downtown Barney’s. They are going out of business and prices drop daily. The day I was there it was 35% off everything  with an additional 20% off taken at the register. Scored a pair of 424 Black and Orange Kicks and a pair of pretty expensive pants form Ovadia & Sons. Saw a guy get a $1,500 bomber jacket for $166.  I was looking at it, but didn’t price check it, so if you go, ask them the price. *Sacks 5th will now tend to the Barney’s leftovers. 
  2. Urban Necessities:  Broadway and Houston Soho, NY.  @twojskicks   I see this place on my IG almost everyday in Hawaii, always looks like they are having fun and wearing awesome kicks, so needed to check it out.  If you’ve seen any street wear or kicks on the internet or IRL, stop by this place and they are bound to have it.  Tons of Yeezy Boosts, Rare Air and Jordan 1’s.  With lots of fresh clothes from the likes of Travis Scott and Off-White. I asked for a certain Travis Scott T and within minutes they had my size in my hands. Great pricing too.  It usually runs $130-$150. Got it for a flat $100 bucks with no tax. Pro Tip: If you buy clothes in NY, anything under $200 is not taxed. They do this to support the Fashion Industry. Make sure you get the deal on Clothes, it is available to everyone.  Under $200 no tax, serious. 
  3. 375 Showroom Sample Sale:  36 Ludlow down the street from Katz Deli. @375Showroom  This is the real deal.  Off-White, Heron Preston, 424, and Anti Social Social Club.  They have it all. And many products brand new in the bag.  Prices were around 60% off retail with some even better deals to be found. Quality of goods-A+.  Not sure how long the store will be around, if it is, go there. If not, check 375 showroom on IG and make an appointment.  They have the goods! My score was a ASSC Orange lettering on Black hoodie. I should of bought ALL my Christmas presents at this Sample Sale!
  4. SNKRFLEA: Broadway between Grand and Howard, near Canal Street Soho, NY. @SNKRFLEA Streetwear store with really nice folks running the shop. Hung out here for about an hour.  The 2 owners/employees are super cool and know their stuff. Travis Scott, Off-White clothes and kicks. Reasonably priced.  They had some Travis Scott Kicks at about $600. Same kicks you can see going for $1200 other places.  Cool people, stop by and say Streetzblog sent ya.
  5. Cafe Grumpy:  89 42nd Street on Lexington Midtown, NY. Near/At Grand Central Station.  Some of the best tasting coffee in the nation. Each time I went here, the coffee had a big full bodied flavor. Hard to explain, but it wasn’t watery, was always full and tasty. Get there early if you want their specialty of 2019-the Turmeric Coffee.  They also have some cool merch & Matcha, Peach Nectar and Strawberry Lush. My favorite part of this place is they let you order however you like and they filled my expresso up to the top with Oat Milk. A streetzblog recommend with 5 stars!
  6. Canal Street Market: 265 Canal St. Canal Street off Broadway, Chinatown, near Soho, NY.  Clothes + Jewels Pop-Up and food emporium.  Some nice vintage clothing and jewelry options, interesting food and bubble tea, festive wi-fi/socializing area and free + clean bathrooms.  And I had the best tasting coffee ever.  It was a Maple Salted Latte.  Was the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. I think it was the salt that made it rock!
  7. Dover Street Market:  Lexington & 30th St. Midtown, NY. This has been on the Lit List for 5+ years. Been going here every year since they opened up shop. December is a great time to visit since most of the clothing and some shoes are 50% off.  Go to every floor if you can. head to the top first, it’s where you may be able to pick up a sought after Supreme hoodie or shirt. Then make your way thru the various floors including the:  GDG, Nike x DSM, Various High End Designer lables, down to the basement where the T’s are located. A MUST go to spot when in NYC.  And yes, it is located in the middle of nowwhere on Lexington near 30th.  
  8. WICKED-The Musical: 222 West 51st St at the Gershwin Theater. Broadway and 51st.  The BEST experience ever.  From Start to finish, Wicked will have you mesmerized. I scored some 3rd row seats day before the show. Nicely priced.  Was one of the best shows, events, things I have ever seen.

      9. Sacks Fifth Avenue: 611 5th Ave. Near 50th and Rockefeller Center Midtown, NY. Not only do they have the best window display in town, but December brings you their designer sale.  This year, I scored Y-3. And make sure you check out their newely revamped shoe and sneaker area. It is HUGE! Time to Unwrap the savings!

     10. Bloomingdale’s: Uptown and Downtown.  Many more HOT brands than the Hawaii location. It’s not even the same store as in HI.  So much more!

     11.  Uncle Pauls Pizza: 70 Vanderbilt near 45th Midtown, NY. In the city that never sleeps, the city seems to be going to bed earlier this year.  Thus, you have Uncle Pauls Pizza open till at least 1am or later.  Great food and open when lots of places around mid town are closed.

     12.  ETC Eatery:  20th East 46th Street Midtown, NY. Open 24/7 Monday thru Saturday.  The freshest and sweetest Mango in the country. I had Mango almost every day this year. Also have all the necessities needed at 2am. Sandwiches, Pop, snacks, toothpaste. With many Deli’s disappearing due to high rent. ETC is still rockin’ it all day and night. 

     12. Madison Square Garden: 31st and 8th Ave or 4 Pennsylvania Avenue Midtown, NY.  Love the energy here. Rangers or Knicks, either one is a nice experience. This year, I saw the Knicks play some team from Milwaukee. Even though they lost big time, it was fun. Spike Lee was especially upset this night, was fun to watch him in action. And in addition to shooting shirts upwards, they threw them down on the crowd, which was quite funny!!   #Knicksmas #nykmsg

     14.  Meyers of Keswick: 634 Hudson. Near Greenwich St. and close to Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment Greenwich Village, NY. If you need anything from England, they have it here.  I get the Christmas pudding and hard sauce.  They also have Lion Bars, Smarties, Robinia, fresh meat pies, English Beans and much, much more. A little hard to find via mapquest. Well worth the trip.  Can be crowded on the Weekends and close to the Bigger holidays.

     15.  Adidas Downtown: 610 Broadway near Houston Soho, NY.  I like this store more than the uptown version. Lots of inventory. Different gear and goods than on the app or on-line. Sometimes you will get lucky and find some sold out deals too. friendly staff and located in prime Soho real estate location.

     16. Nike NYC: 650 5th Avenue near 50th and 51st Streetz. Uptown, NY.  This store is amazing.  Last year, I customized some Jordan 1’s. This year, they had an interactive Kyrie Irving game.  You entered the see through court, put on a pair of Kyrie’s Kicks in any size you need.  Then dribbled a real ball on a real court to shoot a lay up or make a dunk. The store recorded the vid for you and then you could post it on Social Media.  This store is a must see for anyone visiting or living in NYC. With that we end the Lit List for 2019. Mic is dropped!

      17.  Modell’s at Penn Plaza: 430 Seventh Ave. Midtown NY.  A must visit after any game at MSG.  I go every time I see a Knicks or Rangers game. It’s just fun to go inside especially if the team wins. Everyone is in post game jovial mood + and it’s an exciting social experience. In 2019, not only was it fun, but they had some what I would call BEYOND deals! Things you see on the internet for big bucks going for Super-Cool deals:   $10 Majestic T’s and $25 various teams including Lakers, Knicks and Pelicans Hoodies. I scored a $100 Yankees Jersey made out of that nice Climalite material for a mere $25!! Best deal of the trip.  And it doesn’t have some random player on the back.  Totally classic, cool, comfy and will last a lifetime. SCORE!

See you on the Streetz…blog!

Festival Season Heats Up in Chicago

The Belmont-Sheffield Music Festival

Very near the Belmont El Stop Sunday May 2018

Heading to Chicago from Memorial Day to Labor Day? I’d suggest checking out one or more of the vast Street Fests in and around town.  Some of the Bigger events include the Taste of Chicago, Lallapalooza, Mole De Mayo, The Great American Lobster Fest, Chicago House Music Festival, Many Greek Fests, The Chicago Blues Fest, Ribfest Chicago, The Grant Park Music Fest and the various neighborhood Street parties.


Streetzblog checked out the Belmont-Sheffield Music Festival on Sunday May 26, 2018  From 7:30-9:45pm.  It’s located just below the Belmont Street El Station.  You get off the train walk across the street and there’s the fest. Super easy, very safe, extremely accessible and costs just $5 to get in.

The Street Party had a vast array of ethnically diverse things to eat and drink.  Lobster, Lumpia, Lamb Burgers, Potato pancakes, Cheese curds, Fried Twinkies, Vegan delights, Sausages, Loaded Fries, Beer and even Pina Colada’s.

When I was there, one stage had a DJ and a  colorful skit, while the other stage played  spot on-in tune cover music.


In between the 2 stages were food booths along with many mini pop ups of T-Shirts, Jewelry, Sunglasses, various art projects along with some sponsors passing out pretty cool free gear and gadgets.  I scored a free pair of Sunnys along with a couple flashlights. And Bought a few pairs. Who can pass up, Buy ONE for $20, get TWO FREE?  Haha, yep got me good. But I gotta say I do look pretty fly in the Prado’s.

Some notable shirts included Psychologist with the ologist letters crossed out, the Brightly colored Lincoln shirts, Some nice Chicago shirts for $10, and a shirt with: I’m as Happy as a Duck with Bread boldly written across the front.


Did I mention Lemonade! OMG it was so tasty!! Lemonade has to be one of my favorite Summertime drinks and this was pretty amazing.

It was a very friendly group of fest attendees, not rowdy, very chill, with a nice mid western happy party vibe.  Music  was great, Journey & J Giles covers were heard from the bands. And the DJ played some Daft Punk, Chicago House along with some classic Dance tracks. The DJ music was sponsored by club Berlin, so it was pretty high calibre spinning.

The Belmont-Sheffield Music Festival happens Saturday and Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. It rates 5 out of 5 stars. And Pro tip:  There’s a Liquor store next door and across the street is a CVS with lots of ice cold water and more cheap drinks. Lots of easy ways to pre party prior to going in our picking up something cold for the trip home on the El Train.

Here’s one of my favorite pictures that sums the party up in one image. I call it Happiness.


See you on the Streetz…of Chicago!

What’s Lit-NYC DEC 2017

Top Hot Spots-NYC DEC 2017-Via Streetzblog


  • Daniel Patrick: My favorite Hi-End Streetwear brand.  Check them out near Alexander Wang at 96 Grand Just off-Broadway.  Make sure to say Hi to Lauren and Noel. Pro-Tip:  If you don’t see the color or style you want on the showroom floor, just ask, they should have it in the back or can order for you.  See more about Daniel Patrick Soho here
  • KITH:  Took over my go to store Atrium a bit back. I was kinda’ upset about  that, so didn’t go there for a while. But you gotta go to the KITH on Lafayette.  They have very nice clothes and almost every shoe you could ever want. And it’s a great place to get some nice selfies with tons of white shoes on the walls and under the floor!
  • Barney’s: Go in December when things are on sale. I always score something good.  This year, bought a  pair of Y-3 x Adidas Bounce Sole Kicks. Original Price: $390, On sale for Less than $150!! Hot brands in December 2017 include:  Off White, Greg Lauren, Public School, Gucci, Grenson, Fear of God, Rick Owens and a newer fav of mine: Ben Taverniti Unravel Project.
  • Canal Street:  Its back to being out on the streetz. After 5 years of having to go underground or around the block. Dec 2017 found everything on the street. Amazing goods at great prices.
  • Broadway Marketplace: Check out the OWMXN area-Super cool people, great prices. Mix of originals and hip, cool brands.  People who work here are super nice and fun to hang out with, another place to name drop Streetzblog. They’ll hook you up for sure.  You can also find them on-line at OWMXN.Com or @OWMXN.  The marketplace is set to move soon.  Right now its on Broadway near Spring and across from empty_Gallery.
  • em_pty_gallery:  This is the Off-White store in Manhattan.  Usually a line outside. Some things are for sale inside some not. And not all sizes on the floor.  And nope, you can’t just buy the sneakers. When I was there, you could purchase something from the new line-$1,200-$1,400 hoodies. Then your receipt goes in a drawing. But you need to be in town if you are the winner.  Prize drawing was about 6 days from day I went. It’s a got to go to place. Just go, It’s kinda’ trippy, enjoy the experience and talk to or listen to the people in line. Prices like usual. Not for people looking for deals. Yet, clothing is still Pure Fire!
  • Dover Street Market/DSM NY: Many of the best Hi-End designers all under one roof. This year the entire staff was very friendly and helpful. Hi to Jonah for helping me out with a gift and wrapping it up perfectly.  Pro Tip: December is a great time for sales, some items up to 50% off. Ultra Pro Tip: If you see a T or piece on the rack & it’s not in your size, Just ask. Many more sizes are in the secret storage area. I’ve been going here since they opened. Very fun to wander the stairs or take the elevator to each and every floor. Wear your hottest gear here. The day I went, 75% had Virgil Abloh x The Ten collection, limited edition vans and Triple Sole Balenciaga’s. Major HEAT on the FEET! See more about DSM here
  • Art at Canal: This is on Canal at Chinatown. Live DJ, Graffiti walls, and some Dope Clothes. Dec 2017,  we find clothes designed by Tommy Hilfiger’s brother. Some nice Floral-Camo prints mixed on top of firemen jackets.
  • AF-1 Design your Own Soho: Pick Low, Mid or High-Tops, then color, add laces, spray paint,stencil etc. Everything is provided.  Customs made in minutes.  Very fun!
  • Adidas Mid-Town: Most everything you want all in stock. Just no Yeezy’s. Everything else is there. But grab fast, the NERD and other quick-strike gear goes very fast. Pro Tip:  Many things that are sold out on-line are available in this store. You just need to look around and stay for a while. Things drop randomly every couple of hours or so.  Fun to be there when it happens.
  • Around the World Magazines: The best Magazine Store in Town!  This year, they have many mags on sale for just $5 including back issues of Chic Men & In Trend. Even if they are a couple of years old, still lots of inspiration to be found. You can also get the latest issues of System, HighSnobiety, European GQ & HypeBeast all in Mag form.
  • Madison Square Garden:  Whether it’s the Knicks or Rangers. Check a game out.  The arena is fun! Music, Light shows, T-Shirt cannons that blow big blasts of white smoke. They even have Lobster Rolls, exotic cheeseburgers, great shopping and lots of drinks. And you are guaranteed to see a celebrity or two. The night I saw the Rangers play, the Bella & Gigi Hadid were both there, center ice chatting, cheering and taking selfies.
  • Modell’s:  About a block from MSG.  Get your gear here.  This years they have 2 for $20 Knicks T’s. Some great Winter Classic Rangers with awesome prices and Lebron Soldiers in more colors than I’ve ever seen in one place. Nice price too! $129 for a pair.
  • Bryant Park: One of the best places to people watch in all of NY City.  Punk, Chic, Business, Tourist, Local, Trendy, Norm-Core, High Fashion, Models, Celebs, Family, Singles, Flourescent, Fake Fur, Real Fur, Dogs, Cats, Birds, Coney Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan & more. Eat, Shop, Skate, Take Pix, Sit, Walk, Mingle, Drink, and Ride the Carousel.

Nike AF1 Soho, Art at Canal, & Dover Street Market.

Foot Locker Times Square, Adidas Store Mid-Town, em_pty_gallery Soho, The Uptown Punk 8618′ Streetzblog pants.

Barney’s, Selfies, Some of my Own Sewn Clothes.

 Bryant Park, Fashion Ave, & Madison Square Garden

Places w/ Biggest lines out the door:

  1. em_pty_gallery
  2. Pink in Soho
  3. Canada Goose
  4. Bathing Ape Soho
  5. Supreme
  6. KITH
  7. Tiffany’s
  8. MOMA

Streetzblog x H&M x Off-White Bomber Jacket 2017

Go to Guide to DSMNY

 Go to Guide-Dover Street Market NYC

Continuing to create new episodes of content, Streetzblog is keeping in the tradition of multiples ala the Hawaii Designs and Makiki Heat Series. With the Go to Guides. These will be guides to various places throughout the world with ideas and suggestions on where to shop, eat and sleep. In that order.

We also think it would be cool if you could add in your own suggestions on the Go to Guides in the comment section. Either mention something that pertains to this area of town or give us a tip on the similar subject but in your part of the World. The more tips and suggestions the better experience it will be for the various Streetzblog visitors looking for places to see, shop, eat, play and sleep.

Today’s go to guide takes us to the #funandfabulous Dover Street Market NYC experience. As done by Scott at Streetzblog 2x. Once in 2014 and the other time in 2015, both in the month of December. BTW: Happy New Year! (1/1/16)’s Go to Guide to Dover Street Market NYC

  • Head Down 45th to Lexington, make a right, pass the Post Office. Go to Grand Central Station. Note: If your suitcase is too full of goodies from NY, stop by the Post Office on Lexington and send a large pre paid box back to your home. During the Holidays, You can even watch a bit of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer while you stand in line.
  • Grand Central Station: I suggest going in to the marketplace. Here you can find the freshest Meats, Cheeses, Candies and a full-on Cornucopia of delicious delicacies. Great presents and you can take awesome photos of the freshest food around town.


Secret Time: Now this isn’t quite as fun as finding these places all over the city and going to the original venues. But if you are low on time or just like to get things done quickly. Go into Grand Central Station and you’ll find some of NY’s and the World’s best and most talked about institutions. These include the Shake Shack (Remember the Shake Shack in Central park in Sex in the City, we’ll this is is the place) The same burgers, French fries and frozen custard can be found here. Magnolia Bakery-Try the famous Red Velvet Cupcake or buy a box for the relatives you’re coming back to or going to visit, Cipriani Dolci, Diptyque, Frankie’s Dogs on the Go, Juniors Bakery (Like the cheese cake place with the long lines in Times Square, yep same place), Michael Jordan’s the Steak House NYC, the New York Transit Museum and Gallery, Oyster Bar and Restaurant-this is the place you see in all the TCM movie classics and yes! it is the oldest restaurant in all of Grand Central, Two Boots Pizzeria, Zaro’s Bakery-been around for over 75 years and still tasting as good if not better as day one!.


It took me 28 x going to NYC to find the secret to getting all you need in 1 place. And the place to go is Grand Central Station. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on seeing the town. But this is a super-duper secret if you are low on time or just want to see everything you imagine NY to be all in one simple destination.

  • Step out of Grand Central Station and continue down Lexington. There’s a couple good deli’s to pick up some coffee-In NY I always order Deli Coffee extra Sweet and Light-it’s like drinking a donut with caffeine or get some fresh carrot juice along the way. And don’t worry you didn’t walk past DSM yet, its about a 15-20 minute walk to DSMNY.


  • DSM: Be careful that you don’t miss DSM. You need to pay attention and turn right at 160 Lexington Ave. at 30th. Street. The area looks very residential. But yes, this is Dover Street Market. I suggest that you go to each floor and see what’s going on. Bring your camera to take pictures of the monthly art installations along with some of the best clothes you will ever see in one place. Note: Some things are a bit pricey so be prepared. The first year I bought the DSM x Converse black Hi-Tops and the 2nd year I nabbed a Patricia Field Black with white lettering Vogue in Japanese Snapback. I was very tempted to get the Commmes Des Garcons drop crotch shorts, but they were just a little too pricey for my budget on that day. Also while there, make sure you talk to the workers, they are usually very friendly and happy to help you find what you’re looking for. They are also dressed very hip and happening. Check out their looks for inspiration.
  • Note: If you can’t make it to DSM in person they have a great Mail order shop entitled DSMNY E-Shop. It’s here you can purchase the limited edition items. I picked up a Jordan x DSM shirt and a sweet Commes Des Garcons x Supreme blue plaid workers jacket that I get lots of complements on. Yes, it was pricey, but very worth it!
  • After shopping or Window Shopping at DSM. Go back the way you came a couple blocks and eat at Vezzo the thin crust pizza joint. It’s dark inside which always rates an A+ for me, the pizza is really good and they have a fantastic Arugula, slivered cheese, pear, and Gorgonzola salad to die for. And the serving is HUGE. Perfect after a long walk and many steps in DSM, I think there are 7 total floors at DSM and the best and most fun way to see it all is be the steps. (They do have an elevator so no need to panic).

  • After you eat, you can head over to Korea town, or back track to 37th and head to Around the World magazines. That’s what I did the last time I was there. Around the World Magazines has some of if not the best Fashion magazines all in one spot. And in the back there are older editions of great titles for awesome prices along with additional fashion and graphic design oriented books. Around the World Magazines is located at 148 West 37th Just past Broadway.
  • After the Magazine store, lunch and DSM my daily budget is pretty done. So I usually walk back to the Roosevelt Hotel on 45th and Madison. My favorite hotel in all of NYC. Say Hi to Alfredo if you go there. Tell him you heard about him from Scott from Hawaii on Streetzblog. I’m sure he’d be delighted to see you. If you do stay here, make sure you make it to breakfast on at least 1 of your days. They guys down there are super friendly, they have unlimited Starbucks coffee, fresh fruit, some of the best bacon in the world and it’s a pretty cool vibe with pictures of Teddy Roosevelt on the walls and great views of the streetz from the seats. The Roosevelt Hotel is located at 45th and Madison Ave. smack dab in the middle of Mid-Town.