Odette Alverez’ Colorful Wonderland

Odette Alvarez-Spring/Summer 2024. Madrid, Spain. 9/18/23

Music-Carmen, Act1: Habenero

OMG! Just yesterday I was telling my daughter Ashlyn, that Purple and Green are the go to colors at the moment. I noticed them in San Francisco last month and decided my next Streetzblog promo shirt would highlight these 2 colors. And look what comes down the runway first today, Purple & Green. I love it!

The music was a bit challenging for me to deal with. I still get memory twinges of having to go to the Opera as an 8 year old and for some reason, this type of music freaks me out. Like Big Time! I couldn’t tell you why, it just does.

I do like the blue pants and the oversized sheer button down shirt. It looks so comfy, I’d trade what I’m wearing right now to put it on. And I have some pretty pricey & dope Y-3 shorts on right now.

In many of the looks, the clothing is a bit over the top, yet I’m sure it works well in Madrid or at an expensive Fetes De La Nuit in the South of France. The HD level of the video is next level and I do like the dark room withe the blue spot-lights. And Make sure you watch until the end when the backdrop transforms and turns into quite a spectacle.

Purple, green and yellow outfits about mid-show are so intricate and trippy that I didn’t even notice the music. Wow! Such nice details and deluxe tailoring. Very nice! Another piece I am fond of is the black cape with the fluorescent green and some of the oversized hoodies hoods are pretty impressive. And if you ever need a great Easter or Kentucky Derby fascinator or Derby styled chapeaux, Odette Alvarez is the place to shop, that is for sure!

It’s great to see professional, stylish, classic models on the Runway. Only they could pull off some of the black and silver dresses. Very Classy. Thank you Odette for the enjoyable Show!

Well Then?!

Shortest blog post ever. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section.

Interesting eh?

See you on the Streetz…blog!

Natasha Zinko Post Apocalyptic Goth

My favorite fiction to read at the moment is Post-Apocalyptic, right now I am digging the Silo Trilogy and Individutopia. I cant quite pinpoint why I like the genre so much, but it’s what intrigues me the most at this moment in 2023. Balenciaga, Rick Owens and many others have taken us to the world they envision after the possible Apocalypse. At London Fashion week, Ukrainian born and London based, Natasha Zinko takes us there via a Goth Camp.

Natasha set up camp in Central London’s Soho Square on the grassy area, check out the black Goth tents in the background. I would camp in one of those if I could find a tent like that. She should sell Zinko goth tents on Amazon to make a few extra bucks.

The runway show had a delicious driving techno beat that gave the models extra spring in their stomping steps as they marched fast and furiously across the green grass. Of course there were black fabric designs including the dark puffer “Bee” and the torn yet tailored dress. But my favorite look of all was the perfectly placed Bibidies that formed a skirt with reference to bandage/bondage gear.

The Gothic campers adorned mega utility belts ready for their next outing or encounter with a possible fentanyl Zombie attack. And don’t forget to look at the attendees, many of them came to this gothic paradise prepared to party with the designer and models post show. Some very interesting attire was worn in the crowd. More colorful and distinct than many other shows. I’d sure like to go to the after party for this show. I bet Betsy Johnson was there too, she is Zinko’s creative director. I just cant see her wearing the color black.


  • Army Green
  • Bondage/Bandage underwear skirt
  • That dessert color that seems to be growing on me.
  • The grey outfit that matched the color of the tents
  • The Techno Music was a prefect match to the show
  • Audience
  • Gothic Camp
  • Dystopian possibilities
  • Oversized duffels and backpacks
  • The cadence of the stomping models

See you on the Streetz…blog!

A Runway Show, Shopping and a Tad of Vintage Primo?

On the Streetz…blog! Goodwill Goes Glam 2023-Celebrating Diversity. Runway show produced by: Lotus and Lime.

Date: Thursday August 17, 2023. Location: Neal S. Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. City & State: Honolulu, HI. Pictures and Runway Review by: Scott Mackenzie: Artist, DJ + Clothing Designer. Blogging on the Streetzblog since 2011

Goodwill Goes Glam Runway show and VIP shopping is one of my favorite evenings of the year. What can be better, a glamorous runway show + first dibs on designer duds from Goodwill’s finest quality of inventory!

Each year, Goodwill selects local fashion designers to produce the show. 2023 electrified the stage with Hawaiian and Japanese inspired, Mother daughter team of Kim and Jade Alexis Ryusaki from Lotus and Lime. Celebrating Diversity was the theme, and Lotus and Lime brought it with various genres of clothing and models, who were all sizes, shapes and ethnicity.

We see up-cycled jeans and intricate, high level glam. Tailored sophistication and distressed modern. Dessert sand combat boots withe many various looks and designs. The powerful triangle shape was hidden and in clear view. My favorite was the Primo beer patterns, subtle Primo fabrics hidden in other patterns, and pronounced for all to notice. Either way it was quite fun to view and feel the nostalgia of Hawaii’s famous beverage. Let’s all give a ginormous Chee-Hoo to Lotus and Lime and Primo beer!

The show also featured live and recorded music. Colorful mood enhancing lighting many times matching the clothes. And near the finale we enjoyed many models dancing off the runway, near the dinner dignitaries. Which included Hawaii governor Josh Green along with the first lady, Jaime Kanani Ushiroda Green.

Attention to detail, high level tailoring and a lot of preparation was put into the show produced by Lotus and Lime, bringing there A game to the yearly celebration, shopping and fundraising event!

Pictures taken with a Canon Rebel T7i camera. Mahalo to: Kelley Cho & Amanda Stevens.

Find the D-Diesel F/W23

Breganze, Italy. September 8, 2023.

Song is Hard Times by Omar S & Desire

Don’t be a Haighter on this Street

On the Streetz of San Francisco. Haight-Ashbury. Saturday September 3, 2023. San Francisco, CA

The Haight-Ashbury streetz are filled with colorful people, sweet smells, many, many, did I say many? Vintage stores. And a Peaceful, Happy Vibe which gives us a proof positive purely groovy sensation that the the Summer of Love lives lively in 2023

For the last 25 years, when I ask about this area of town, people I know have told things like:

Ahh, Haight-Ashbury isn’t what it was like in the 60’s and 70’s. Yuck, you need to be careful down there, it’s filled with druggies and pickpockets. Or, Watch out, the only thing left of the good old days is Amobea Records, go there, get some tunes, a pen or a sticker and get out. Even a couple weeks before I made my first ever trip to San Fran, I heard: Everything in San Francisco is so bad right now, houses cost a fortune and there’s no one Fun here anymore, all the artists moved away and all I see are drug addicts and clone like techies who know how to stare at their phone but can barely order a Latte utilizing their verbal skills

Enough of the Haters, let’s get back to the Peace, Love and Happiness that myself, my sister and granddaughter all enjoyed on this special Saturday in early September 2023. Prior to the trip, my daughter had all the days planned out, I decided I would slide along with the flow and go and see everything on the plan. I stayed pretty close to doing all the planned itineraries, except for day 2 when they went to some museum, I was just exhausted, needed a bit of sleep, then I headed Down Ventura to Shop. That will be a different post. This is about the “unplanned” Saturday, when she and her boyfriend had not so secret Tattoo plans. LJBOL

My daughter said, me and Debi could take my granddaughter and do whatever. So that’s what we did. My sister took me to an unreal magazine store-Heath Newstand, Saturday wanderers, nice workers including Leandra. And magazines not seen anywhere else. Lots of Art, Fashion, Avant- Garde even random pickle ball and cooking magazines. I nabbed a few good titles including Printing Fashion #3, OFFICE duo issue, TMRW, a Magazine Curated By Francesco Risso and my favorite-032c. And guess what they even do shipping! I didn’t have to drag around 10 pounds of magazines. Oh and check the sale section at the front, some $40+ mags and books are just $5-$10. I lose time in stores like this so I have no idea how long I was there, but I noticed coffee and pastries were ready for a picnic outside the store, so I headed out for the tasty treats from Tartine.

I didn’t go into Tartine, but did see the line to get it, very loooong. I thought the coffee was super good, my ham and cheese croissant was tasty but someone put hot peppers or Jalapenos in it, so I just ate around most of those. Not a spicy guy in general. And I had a celeb sighting: Guy Fieri from Diners, Drive-Ines and Dives pulled up in a giant air-conditioned van like limo car. I was coming out of Heath magazines as he was going in a special VIP entrance to Tartine with his dog! Oh yeah, everyone who lives in San Fran has a dog

Okay, sorry my brain is filled with non stop words tonight. I’ll make it quicker, but before the H-A area of town. After the first mag store, I was lucky to be dropped my off at the second Mag store, see there are no more magazine stores in Hawaii, even the airport has like 6 titles now. And I like magazines. Many an INSPO has come from a S.F magazine store magazine. I just bought 2 mags at the second place-Smoke Signals on Polk St. Make sure you say hi to Fahdy, tell him Streetzblog sent you. After the Mag Store, I bought some water and headed to the park, where my granddaughter was making pizzas with sand and flowers, she offered me one and since, Scott Mckenzie sings-Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair, I ate a flower. She kinda’ freaked out a bit, Debra rolled her eyes and YAH! time for Haight Street. I can not believe we waited until the last day and I cant believe it took this much time to get there in this blog.


(It’s perfectly ok if you skip ahead to this section, I won’t get sad)

We scored yet another awesome parking spot. 2x on the trip, I asked for the parking Angels to join me and both times, it worked. We got out of the car, walked like maybe a block and we hit the Tie Dye store – Love On Haight Tie Dye Emporium. WOW! My granddaughter picked out her favorite shirt and Debi got my daughter a bag. I took pix and videos and goofed around. And we had our first Jimi Hendrix + Jerry Garcia sightings of the whole trip. There was also a purchase of a flo-orange Kazoo. Maybe..More on that later

Perfect Quote from the Love on Haight website:

PsySonic, Exotic, Iconic Haight-Ashbury Stop #1

Next up we wandered a bit, then took a break at Gus’s Grocery Store. What an exceptionally perfect place for eating, drinking and people watching. When I first set out to do the H-A piece, I thought it would be just pix of interesting folks. It became way more than that and more. I’d recommend getting some sandwiches at Gus’s some drinks, caffeine, water etc. and sitting outside to enjoy the fashion show that fills this street.

Here’s a quick snapshot of what we saw:

I suspect there were all category of folks. One thing is no matter who they were, they ALL dressed for the Haight-Ashbury experience, all in their own way. Which fits perfectly and is alright by me. Be yourself because there is only one you. You don’t ever want to think of what others may think of your clothes. I always say: Wear what makes you feel comfortable, wear what you like, I don’t care if you are 5 or 85, color your hair, wear and look exactly as you feel best when you awake in the morning.

More pix from the Haight-Ashbury Runway:

Heard on the Steetz:

I overheard someone saying: They were looking for the Painted Ladies, thus I looked for ladies who were painted upon. Alas, I didn’t see any. Later I found out a Painted Lady is a colorful Victorian-style house owned by various movie & music stars and the affluent techies.

I am so glad I was able to go to San Francisco and extra happy to have such a fun day with my sister and grand-daughter. Maybe it’s the people you are with that makes the day. Maybe It’s because of the beautiful sunny weather, maybe it was a Saturday during Labor Day weekend. Maybe Haight-Ashbury is back in it’s re-amagined glory days. A sweet and colorful vibey kinda’ way day. For me, it was all of the above, plus the stars aligned magnificently for a fun filled day of Tie Dye, Magazine & Vintage clothing shopping, people watching, picnic eating, picture and video taking and most of all… Pure Joy in the famous Haight-Ashbury neighborhood.

Kazoo-Ya…maybe no go Kazoo-Ya

So remember the Kazoo was bought when we first arrived, It made it to our picnic and blared in my right ear so bad that my ear HURT! So the super fast black bird took it away. Promise was made that another would be purchased after we went a few more blocks down the street, then back to the Tie Dye store for another Kazoo.

I “Procured one and it went to the park with us. There it was even louder and I am pretty sure it got stolen by someone sitting near by. Check out Debra’s face Pre and Post Kazoo. PERFECT!

Before the Kazooo

During the Blaring Kazoo Honking on Haight

The Pau Hana Bag made by me & Stella Aura Clothing as modeled by Debra on the streetz of Haight-Ashbury

Thank You to Debi for being oh so very patient, I’m a rather slow moving object when I’m in my favorite element of people watching, iPhone snapping, sticker giving, and window/real shopping.

And Thank You to Adalyn for being in such great spirits throughout the colorful neighborhood.

I am so glad we sat down to pic-nic. I had my favorite food, Salami butter and bread. Which I haven’t had in years. OMG, I do miss it. And both Debi and I were able to feed and hydrate Adalyn with her favorite food-cooked salmon. And I snuck in an extra Matcha tea for Debi-HeHeHe… (Don’t tell her, but she usually reads the Streetz…blog. I kinda doubt she will get to all of these words). There’s times when blogging is fun and there are times it can be frustrating. Today there were so many words flowing in and through my brain, it was fun just a tad overwhelming! And I find this funny, I know I was on Haight Street, but Ya’ know, I never did see Ashbury nor did I bump into the “only” place to go on the street-Amoeba Records. I bet it was on Ashbury. Hahahaha

Sometimes, haters just be hating, maybe they read some media story or took a wrong turn at night, who knows, the day I was here, the Haight was Pure, Positive, Peace, Love and Happiness from start until stop. When you’re going to San Francisco, Make sure You wear flowers in your hair and look for the Good in people, bring others good vibes, radiate joyously and I sure hope if you visit, you will have a extraordinary day in Haight-Ashbury.

What do you think of Haight-Ashbury? What year did you see it good? Do you have any groovy tips on where to go next time I visit H-A? Will you where flowers in your hair? Let us know below in the comments section. Until, next posting..I’ll See You On The Streetz…blog!

May Peace, Love and Happiness radiate in you and to ALL the people you may meet today and everyday!

Destinations to Visit in San Francisco

  • Heath Newstand: Mission District Building. 2900 18th Street. San Francisco, CA 94110. Call or Text 415 873 9209. Or email: newsstand@heathceramics.com. (Leandra)
  • Tartine Bakery: Mission District Building. 600 Guerrero St, San Francisco, CA 94110. Phone: 415 487 2600.
  • Smoke Signals: 2223 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109. Phone: 415 292 6025. (Fahdy)
  • Love on Haight: 1400 Haight St. at Masonic San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 817 1027
  • GUS’S Haight Street Market: 1530 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 255 0643
  • WasteLand: 1660 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 863 3150
  • Held Over: Vintage Store since 1978. 1543 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 864 0818
  • Buffalo Exchange: New & Recycled Clothing. Buy Sell Trade. 1555 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 431 7733
  • Cal Surplus: 1541 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117. Phone: 415 861 0404

While looking for the Buffalo Exchange website address, I checked out their blog and its really good. Check out the picture below, new trend in Suits-cropped. Interesting thing is while I was in San Fran, I bought an Army jacket at Cal Surplus to crop. Little did I know that suit jackets look great cropped too!

Picture courtesy of the Buffalo Exchange blog

Extra Interesting Things:

  • Today’s a Great day to have a Great day!
  • 26435 spells ANGEL
  • After Debra and I gave Adalyn a bath Ashlyn said: What did you guys do!?! Adalyn smells like a hippie without the B.O. We used the famous Dr. Bronners Castile and Hemp liquid do it all Soap in Lavender and Peppermint flavors.
  • When Nick got called up to help BOB at the Pier Show. Bob told Nick: That’s the hardest I’ve ever seen someone work in skinny jeans. Was extra funny because Nick was called up to be a helper during the Clown Show and all he did was stand there for 30 minutes!
Streetzblog on pants with a LVRNU logo and a pink Honolulu police patch
Streetzblog’s own custom patch on some Stellar Aura pants (circa 2021)

Helpful Tips to a Great Hike at Muir Woods

Muir Woods National Monument. Mill Valley, CA 94941. Located over the Golden Gate Bridge near Sausalito, CA about 1.5 hours North from San Francisco, CA. 554 Acres. Phone: (415) 561-2850 Thursday September 1, 2023.

8 Helpful Tips To A Truly Enjoyable Muir Woods Hike

Note: Tips are Best for Beginner-Intermediate Hiker

  • Eat Prior to the Hike: This is not a get up, drink some coffee & water hike. A proper breakfast is advised prior to the hike and the hill that swerves as you drive to the destination. I personally had some coffee & water got in the car, was driven about 1.5 hours to the Muir Wods. After going over the Golden Gate Bridge; we hit a Sausalito, then a steep hill with extreme swerving roads. I had to roll down the window, receive some fresh air, which didn’t help because I PUKED for the last 10 minutes, stopping just before we hit the park ranger at the fron entrance to the parking lot. YUCK! Although, I did feel much better for the Muir Woods hiking experience. Oh, and there is a pre-hike from the parking lot to the real hike, be prepared!
  • Turn off your Phone: This is a must. Either Turn it off, put on airplane mode or use Focus in Settings on an iPhone and put on do not disturb. This is your time to check out from the daily grind and be at peace with nature. And added bonus: The birds, animals and other hikers will be happy that they don’t hear beeps, dings, blips and rings in the beautiful setting.
  • Wear Layers: This is the most important tip on this list. I wore Comfy Y-3 black pants, a long sleeve Uniqlo “Airism” shirt and a State of Flux hoodie. As I got moving, I noticed my body getting hotter. First off went the hoodie, then the T-Shirt. And by the time I was done, I had taken the hoodie off and the long sleeve Uniqlo shirt and was left just wearing my T-Shirt. I was super glad I was prepared with layers. The T felt extremely nice in the cool brisk woods. And was a great way to cool down at the end when I rested my feet. Hiking is a great way to stay fit and as you go, your body may get hotter from the exercise or the sun may be brighter, you never know. Being prepared is the way to go!
  • Treat your Feet to Comfortable Sneaks: Sneakers/Trainers are perfect for this hike since a majority of it was on wooden trails with some dirt trails. There were many there with heavy pro style hiking boots. I wouldn’t recommend that since the terrain is quite nice, perfectly manicured and solid. Wear some comfy kicks. If rain is 90-100% the day you go, maybe some light hiking boots, but for sure nothing heavy duty is needed.
  • Take Breaks: Sit on some of the nice benches or by a tree in a nature made seat. There is no rush to get to the end. Enjoy yourself and when needed take a break, breathe in the delicious Fern & Clover and relax when your body needs it. I’m usually a Ready, Aim, Shoot photographer. On this hike, I took the time on my breaks to frame the shot, get the best view and had fun taking calming pictures of the lush-glorious-greenery and amazingly large trees.
  • Bring a Card or Cash for the Gift Stores: At the end of the hike there is a big gift shop with a snack bar and a smaller gift shop closer to the parking lot. Both have some very nice Long Sleeve Muir Woods shirts, soft & cuddly stuffed animals, lots of key chains and even some local delicacies.
  • Enjoy the Moment: Similar to what I mentioned in the tip above regarding turning off your phone. Don’t only turn it off, but I would recommend completely checking out from the outside world and enjoy the moment. As of 8/31/23 I had only been on one hike in my life and it was pretty difficult. If you wanted to find an urban person who lives in Hawaii that would be me. The only other hike I went on was the super scary death defying Koko Head Hike on Oahu. this hike was very relaxing, richly scented, and a truly enjoyable hike. When I found myself thinking I was tired or had thoughts of work, I took a moment and did the “Take Breaks” tip. I meditated or did some 4 step breathing to bring myself back to the present moment, then proceeded on the hike. I also prepared my mind ahead of time that I would not complain, condemn or criticize anything or anyone on the 2-4 hours of my life. I did not C, C or C at all. I thought about complaining about the incline, but instead, rested, took a break, breathed and continued on in the Precious Now Moment. And had a Wonderful experience.
  • Reward yourself afterwords: You did it, you just hiked 2-4+ hours, it’s time to give your home or body a nice reward! Buy something in the gift shop, get a snack or I would recommend treating you and your family/friends or yourself to lunch. Pro Tip: Go down the swerving road into town and eat at a place named Fish. You can sit outside, rest your feet, check out the view of the water, birds and boats. Feel the breeze, eat some phenomenal food, replenish your water intake or have a bevy or two. You deserve it.

Muir Woods National Monument Hiking Experience

Post Hike Reward at Fish. Restaurant in Sausalito, CA

Pictures courtesy of the author and family. Taken with iPhone 13 Pro+

2023’s “IT” Hat is Savant Studios

When I was able to visit NYC every December, I could spot the trends by surveying the streets of Manhattan. One Year, it was the first Off White Long Sleeve shirts with the word White on the back with the giant X. Another year it was the Von Dutch Trucker Hat. I still have my Orange and green version awaiting the comeback of the one of the fastest selling trucker hats of all time.

This “IT” trend doesn’t come from being on the streetz myself, but from watching from afar. The Savant Studios Trucker hat seems to be on trend to become quite massive. For this trend I didn’t see the celebs wearing it first, it was the Hipster/Cool kid/Artsy types that have been rocking it since the 30 degree weather and the trend has continued thru Summer 2023

Below are some pix of the hat. I prefer the Pink/Yellow, the Orange/White and the Black/White versions. Some are straight foward and others have added bling. Pricing is $50-$100 per Trucker hat. And yes, you can purchase them on line here

Or if you’re in Brooklyn, check them out at 1463 Fulton Street. I really like the hours, these hours would be perfect for my sleep pattern. Tuesday – Friday: 2pm-9pm Saturday & Sunday: Noon-9pm

Here are some of my favorites Truckers:

They also have some fits that slay, some that could match your hat and others that give a nice artsy touch to your gear for the day. Be careful, don’t get too hooked on a couple hats and many pieces of clothing, because there are a lot of sold out items on their site.

If you want to feel like you’re with “IT” and looking good in 2023. Pick up some of their hats before they all sell out. Or snag some shirts, jackets, sweats, hoodies, handbags and more at Savant Studios on-line or at their store in Brooklyn.

Get your “IT” fit now before the trend passes. Or could be like Telfar & Off White and you’ll be good to go for many years.

What do you think of the brand? Let us know in the comments or simply vote yah or nay below:

Pharrell’s LV Show is Extraordinary Joy!

Louis Vuitton Men’s Spring/Summer 2024 Fashion Show. Pharrell Williams. Pont Neuf. Paris, France. June 20, 2023.

Love, Peace, Power and Joy filled the golden Paris pavement for Pharrell William’s Louis Vuitton Men’s S/S 2024 fashion show. This was much more than a runway show, it was a spectacular spectacle like no other. Even the Paris sky cooperated to a tee like it was painted and not just a illimitable gift from mother nature. Watch how the sky goes from a purple hue to a nice dark blue to picturesque night time bluish-black.

I’m a big fan of the billowy baggy luxe shorts we’ve been seeing for Summer 2024. The luxurious fluid fabric and drape glows and flows oh so sweetly as they walk along the golden runway framed by the famed River Seine. I would even change out of black and wear the dessert colored shorts, they just look so cool and comfy.

Pharrell brought along a few of his streetwear staples like the computerized camo and the circular sunnys. Yet, they were both elevated to the Louis Vuitton opulent level of luxuriousness. I also enjoyed the chrome sunglasses. Oozing wealth and rock star flavor.

The bags and especially the branded boxes were perfectly on point pops of blues and reds. I would lock my box and would also add a hand-cuff to lock it to my wrist. I wouldn’t want it to leave my person by any means.

Orchestral music, pianist, a bit of street hip-hop then the Gospel choir. OMG! Such a fantastic show. Not just a runway event, this was like a Broadway show. And having plenty of seats for people is something I give many, many Thank You’s to Louis Vuitton for providing. I really enjoy the fact that more were allowed to watch in person than a typical show. And very commendable of Pharrell to be so grateful to thank his team and then to bring them out on the golden platform. Very classy indeed.

There have been shows, that have the clothes, perfect settings, iconic music or the…I could go on, alas you get it. This show has it all and this is the sound of the Streetzblog mic drop moment.

Congratulations! Well done. Je suis tres jolie heureux et vous donne beaucoup de benedictions et un immense bravo rempli de joie! Scott Mackenzie-Owner of Streetzblog.com.

Celebrities in attendance:

  • Beyonce
  • Jay-Z
  • Rihanna
  • Lebron James
  • Jared Leto
  • A$AP Rocky
  • Skepta
  • Zendaya
  • KIm Kardashian
  • Lenny Kravitz
  • Jayden & Willow Smith
  • Naomi Cambell
  • Miranda Kerr
  • Megan Thee Stallion
  • Takashi Murakami
  • Quavo
  • Maluma
  • Anitta
  • Russell Westbrook
  • Tyler, the Creator
  • Jackson Wang
  • BamBam
  • A$AP Nast
  • A$AP Ferg
  • Lewis Hamilton
  • Dan Carter
  • Yuta

*The Pont Neuf bridge is the oldest still existing bridge of the Seine River. It was built between 1578-1607

*Jay-Z wore bespoke Louis Vuitton. And at the end of the show he took off one jacket and put on another, then he and Pharrell put on a mini show.

Celebrity names courtesy of the NationalNews and the New York Post’s Page 6. Pix taken from the video via my iPhone 13-With additional brilliance, Contrast & Saturation added.

See you on the Streetz…blog!

Fueled by Fluidity, Celebrity and Comfort

Written by Scott Mackenzie. Custom Clothing Designer since 1999. Style, Fashion, Kicks & Trend Blogger debut 2011.

Kim Jones brought the heat to the frigid Paris winter. Bellowing, fluid, ultra comfortable clothing awaiting Men and Women to float into them, pea-cocking or lounging at a nouveau-riche Ibizian Pool Party. So comfy are the clothes, one could be tempted to sleep in them on a cool Autumn night.

I’m a sucker for baggy over the knee shorts, so these are clothes I would wear. Baggy over the knee shorts are top 3 in my book, next to Jordans/Rick Owens Kicks and baggie hoodies/long sleeve T’s,

The show is a spectacle with languid models on the runway and the big screen. Along with a full orchestra and an emotional poem written by T.S Elliot just after WW1, voiced by Robert Pattinson and Gwedoline Christie. The show adds an ode to the iconic river Thames in London and the Seine in Paris. And some historic references in the clothing to the great Yves Saint Laurent.

The sublime heavenly fluid clothing is definitely the number one hit of the show in desert, beige, not quite white, slate grey and of course black. Skirts for men are in every Paris 2023 show I’ve seen, these are some of the better versions. They do look pretty comfortable, just hard to find a place to wear them. The dangling straps are also nice, yet almost seem a bit too 2019. Then there are a few oddities like the bright light blue items, The dense lacquered jackets and “Is that a life jacket” towards the end of the show? And let me know in the comments section if this is a Hit or a Miss-The “I know What You Did Last Summer” fisherman hats


  • Ultra comfy clothing
  • Languid Oversized over the knee silky resplendent pants
  • the baggy black cargos
  • Soft sublime Luxe-Life suit jackets in superb tailoring


  • Great Grandpa/Baseball caps
  • That bright light blue sweater
  • American Psycho plastic yellow jackets and vests
  • the Dense Brown and Beige lacquered jackets
  • Bucket hats…so many try so hard to make them look good
  • Maybe the purses, but I do know that’s what is in right now


David Beckham

Members of BTS-J-Hope & Jimin

Naomi Cambell

Eddie Redmayne

Karlie Kloss

Dophine Arnault

Courtney Love


Robert Pattinson (Twilight & Batman)

Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones)

*Video courtesy of Dior on YouTube. Pix are taken via screen shots of the video with some editing and filters added by author using iPhone 12 Pro max.

Blogging on the Streetz…blog since 2011!